A Shout-out To SexSimulator Fansīeing an expert in games and porn in general, I took it upon myself to check it out and give the assist. Many people send messages with simply a name, but this guy sent along with an elaborate email about the ads he had seen for it, the things that he had heard about it, and how he wanted someone of my experience doing a review so that he knew it was a good buy. It’s like a self-guided story with all of your top fantasies included in the ride. Passing along information about the top porn games websites is something that I love to do because playing these games and being able to make decisions that affect the outcome is fantastic. I get tons of emails every week with people wanting me to check out different websites, review them, and see what they are all about. When I first heard about Sex Simulator, it was in an email. Notorious Porn Game Sex Simulator Review: